Our Purpose:
Care giving ministries are designed for the purpose of glorifying our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, through the nurture and care of the saints. It is a great privilege to be a part of the edification, exhortation, counsel, and to be a blessing in the time of grief. May God bless the Care Giving Ministries of our Church.

Widows Ministry
This ministry is devoted to women whose husbands are deceased. It is an opportunity to support them through counseling and fellowship with other widows. It is not necessary that these women be a part of Hilltop Baptist Church to enjoy the benefits of the group.

Widowers Ministry
This ministry is devoted to men whose wives are deceased. It is an opportunity to support them through counseling and fellowship with other widowers. It is not necessary that these men be a part of Hilltop Baptist Church to enjoy the benefits of the group.

Shut In Ministry
This ministry is designed to visit the members of Hilltop Baptist Church who are not physically able to attend the Church Services, providing the fellowship and encouragement one would typically expect and enjoy from their Church family.

Special Needs Ministry
This ministry is unique in that it provides assistance to those who need a little extra care during times of traumatic situations in their life. Perhaps a death in the family, a surgery that puts you down temporarily, or possibly a home disaster which requires more than you are capable of doing. The goal is to provide for those of our congregation who are truly in need and cannot provide for themselves or do not have family who can assist them during these difficult times in their life.

Benevolence Ministry
Occasionally in life we struggle to make our financial ends meet. This ministry, under the direction of our Pastors and Deacons, is designed to provide temporary financial aid to our members when just such a time occurs in their lives. It is provided discretely and privately. In addition to providing funds, occasionally wise counsel, regarding budgeting and home finances, are available as well.

50+ Club Ministry
This is a fun filled ministry for those over 50 years of age. We have monthly meetings, fellowship, Bible Study, outings, trips, food, games… whatever we desire to do to bring our seniors closer together and to enjoy one another’s fellowship.

Hospital Visitation Ministry
As a Church, we love and care for one another and part of expressing that love and care is being there for one another in times of need. Hospital visitation is one of those times when we’ll visit and pray for your particular needs, expressing our compassion and to be with you during your time of need.